di BOSCO coffee
Food Market Kata offers di Bosco coffee. The name "di BOSCO” it's from Saint John Bosco who popularly known as Don Bosco who was an Italian Roman Catholic priest, educator and writer of the 19th century. While working in Turin, where the population suffered many of the effects of industrialization and urbanization, he dedicated his life to the betterment and education of street children. So we are following his footsteps to help children from the mountains, give them the opportunities, and teach them in every single knowledge about coffee so now we have the them our superhero team.
We control all processing from coffee trees to your table. First we control harvesting, roasting and brewing. Our team have well an international standard trained.
Every singleprocess we control by machines and human from our team for our consistent quality. So our products have been recognised by 5 stars hotel, international brand cafes, cinemas and restaurants also cafes from overseas as well.
Our coffee have been tested and guarantee by a world class baristas team and Q Grader that our coffee is a specialty coffee. Our roaster team has had the chance to win in overseas.
We have our own lab and cupping room to test our coffee quality. Moreover we also have Italian coffee academy standard.
We proudly to present our coffee family that made Thai coffee beans, but accepted from overseas. Our customers not only get quality coffee but also provide the opportunity to ourfarmers and little children from the mountain to have a better life. On behalf of them we would like to say thank you to all of you who give us the opportunity to present our coffee family like us, let’s support them.